NASA alert! 380-ft asteroid heading towards Earth at 28,946 km/h

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NASA has issued an alert for a possible asteroid fly-by. The near-earth asteroid ‘asteroid 2011 MW1’ is approaching Earth at a speed of 28,946 km/h. It will pass within 2.4 million miles from Earth, which is a minimal distance in astronomical units. Despite its size and trajectory, NASA has said it poses no threat but is being closely monitored.

Asteroid 2011 MW1 is a massive 380-foot asteroid heading towards Earth at a speed of 28,946 km/h. The data from NASA’s Centre for Near-Earth Object Studies (CNEOS) suggests that the asteroid will make its closest approach to Earth on July 25, coming within approximately 2.4 million miles.

Asteroid 2011-MW1 is an Apollo-class asteroid. Being 380- feet large, it is the size of a skyscraper. It’s impact could lead to human extinction, but for now, we are safe as NASA has classified it as a near-earth asteroid (NEA) and not ‘a potentially hazardous asteroid (PHA)’ based on its orbital distance from the Earth.

To date, NASA has tracked over 35,000 Near-Earth Objects and will continue to do so, as monitoring and classifying space rocks is essential to avoiding any possible catastrophic impact.


Keeping a watch on space rocks

NASA’s Centre for Near Earth Object Studies (CNEOS) is responsible for tracking the Near Earth Objects (NEOs) and classifying them based on their distance from the Earth. Space rocks that orbit within 120 miles of the Sun are classified as NEO’s as they pose a threat to Earth.

NASA has various observatories like Pan-Starrs, the Catalina Sky Survey, NASA’s NEOWISE mission, and the new NEO Surveyor that track the asteroid’s and collect important data about them. Other than this, planetary initiatives such as the Goldstone Solar System Radar Group work on tracking the space rocks.

Nihal Sayyad

Nihal Sayyad is an amateur astronomer with a profound passion for space and science communication. He shares valuable insights on space exploration, celestial events, and scientific discoveries. His work has been featured in the Edinburgh News, Yorkshire Post, and National World, showcasing his ability to deliver accurate and engaging content.

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