Astronomical calendar 2024: Meteor showers, Eclipse, Conjunctions and more

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2024 promises to bring us even more excitement and astronomical events! With many other stunning phenomena waiting to be discovered. So, let’s look up and get ready for a year full of astronomical wonders.


Astronomical events 2024

Meteor showers in 2024

2024 is an exciting year for stargazers with celestial events including eclipses, meteor showers, and conjunctions.

Here’s a table that provides a list of some major astronomical events and some valuable information about the events. This Data is calculated using the Stellarium software.

Note: The peak dates may vary.

Meteor ShowersStart TimePeak TimeParent BodyHourly Rate
The Quadrantids Meteor ShowerEarly JanuaryJanuary 42003 EH1110
The Alpha Centaurids Meteor ShowerEarly FebruaryFebruary 8Unknown6
Penumbral Lunar EclipseMarch 25---
Total Solar EclipseApril 9---
The Lyrids Meteor ShowerMid-AprilApril 23C/1861 G1 (Thatcher)18
ETA Aquariids Meteor ShowerEarly MayMay 61P/Halley50
The Arietids Meteor ShowerEarly JuneJune 81566 Icarus30
The Southern Delta Aquariid meteor showerEnd of JulyJuly 3096P/Machholz25
The Alpha Capricornid meteor showerEnd of JulyJuly 30169P/NEAT5
The Perseid meteor shower Early AugustAugust 13109P/Swift-Tuttle110
Aurigid Meteor Shower Early SeptemberSeptember 1C/1911 N1 (Kiess)6
Partial Lunar Eclipse September 18---
The Draconids Meteor ShowerEarly OctoberOctober 921P/Giacobini-Zinner10
The Southern Taurids Meteor ShowerEarly OctoberOctober 102P/Encke5
The Orionids Meteor ShowerMid-OctoberOctober 221P/Halley20
Northern Taurids Meteor Shower Early NovemberNovember 132P/Encke5
Leonid meteor showerMid-NovemberNovember 1855P/Temple-Tuttle15
The Geminid meteor shower Early DecemberDecember 14Asteroid 3200 Phaethon140
The Ursids Meteor ShowerMid-DecemberDecember 238P/Tuttle10


Eclipse in 2024

1. Penumbral Lunar Eclipse
Time: March 25
Visibility: Eastern Europe, Eastern Africa, Asia, and Western Australia

2. Total Solar Eclipse
Time: April 9
Visibility: Crossing from Mexico, through the United States from Texas to Maine, and up through Canada

3. Partial Lunar Eclipse
Time: September 18
Visibility: Most of North America and South America, Europe, and Africa


Conjunctions in 2024

January7Moon and Venus
11Moon and Jupiter
30Moon and Saturn
February7Moon and Venus
11Moon and Jupiter
14Venus and Neptune
27Moon and Saturn
March5Venus, Mars, and Neptune
8Moon and Venus
10Moon and Jupiter
25Moon and Saturn
April7Moon and Venus
8Moon and Jupiter
15Venus, Mars, and Jupiter
24Moon and Saturn
May6Moon and Venus
7Moon and Jupiter
23Moon and Saturn
June5Moon and Venus
5Moon and Jupiter
14Venus, Mercury, and Moon
21Moon and Saturn
July4Moon and Jupiter
5Moon and Venus
20Moon and Saturn
August3Moon and Venus
4Moon and Jupiter
14Mercury and Mars
18Moon and Saturn
September2Moon and Venus
2Moon and Jupiter
16Moon and Saturn
October1Moon and Jupiter
2Moon and Venus
10Venus, Mercury, and Moon
16Moon and Saturn
November1Moon and Venus
2Moon and Jupiter
14Moon and Saturn
December1Moon and Venus
2Moon and Jupiter
13Moon and Saturn
30Venus, Mars, and Saturn

Necessary equipment for stargazing

Here’s a list of essential stargazing equipment for night and daytime observations

  • Binoculars
  • Telescope
  • Star Maps or Sky Atlases
  • Red Flashlight
  • Sturdy Tripod
  • Finder Scope
  • Observation Chair
  • Planisphere
  • Warm Clothing and Blanket
  • Notebook and Pen
  • Smartphone with Astronomy Apps
  • Lens and Filter Kit
  • Thermos with Hot Beverage
  • Insect Repellent
  • Power Supply
  • Weather App
  • Camera with Adapter (optional)
  • Observing Logbook
  • Astronomy Books and Guides
  • Groundsheet
  • Eclipse glasses
  • Solar filters for your camera and telescope

Nihal Sayyad

Nihal Sayyad is an amateur astronomer with a profound passion for space and science communication. He shares valuable insights on space exploration, celestial events, and scientific discoveries. His work has been featured in the Edinburgh News, Yorkshire Post, and National World, showcasing his ability to deliver accurate and engaging content.

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