Geminid meteor shower 2024: When and where to see

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Composite Of The Geminid meteor Shower Captured On December 14, 2017. Image Credit: Jeff Sullivan/Flickr

The Geminid meteor shower will be active from November 19 to December 24. The Peak of the Geminid Meteor Shower is expected on December 13-14, 2:30 am Indian Standard Time (IST) according to The Radiant point will rise mid-evening at the highest point around 2:00 am local time.

During the Peak, there will be almost a Full Moon Phase, which might make it difficult to observe. Under ideal conditions, viewers might witness around 120 meteors per hour but as mentioned above the Moon phase will make it difficult to watch most of them.

Block out the moon for an ideal meteor shower experience as most of the Geminids are brighter than the Moon.


Where to see the Geminid meteor shower?

Radiant point of the Geminid meteor shower
Illustration of the radiant point of the Geminids meteor shower located in the constellation Gemini near the bright star Castor.


A radiant point is a point in the sky from where the meteors appear to originate. The radiant point of the Geminid meteor shower exists near the bright star Castor in the constellation known as Gemini. Castor is a star located approximately 52 light-years away from Earth and it almost touches the radiant point for Geminids.

It is from this point that the meteors of a meteor shower seem to emerge. The meteor shower is usually named after the constellation from which they seem to appear but, these constellations are not the source of the meteors.


The parent body of the Geminid meteor shower

Unlike the Persied meteor shower that originates from a comet, the Geminids originate from an asteroid named 3200-Phaethon. Unlike other meteor showers that originate from comets, geminids are an exception. They were first observed in 1862, and they still capture the stargazer’s attention and remain a prominent celestial event.


When, and how to see the Geminids?

  • Peak time: December 13-14, 2024 will be when the Geminids are in their highest peak where starting around 8:30 PM IST till 6:30 AM IST on the following day gives you a good viewing window. Try as much as possible to be outside during these major moments for more meteors.
  • Locate a Place: Find a dark sky location not close to any city lighting or light Pollution to easily see the Geminid’s proper view.
  • Locate the Radiant Point: For more meteors to be seen, locate the radiant of Geminids near the star ‘Castor’ in the Gemini constellation.
  • Sky map: Use sky map software and applications to locate the Radiant point.
  • Telescope or Binoculars: Using a telescope or a Binocular will enhance your viewing experience and it will allow you to catch the fainter meteors as well. Refer to a telescope guide before buying your first telescope.
  • Adjust your eyes: It takes thirty to forty-five minutes for your eyes to get used to total darkness. Don’t use bright lights at all, use a Red light instead.
  • Get Comfy: You can bring pillows, blankets, and chairs to set up while observing stars, which will help you stay there for a longer period.
  • Astrophotography: Astrophotography is an exciting aspect of stargazing as it lets us capture the beauty of the night sky. Bring along your tripod and camera while you witness impressive images of Geminids with these features.

Here’s a video that will help you capture the Meteor Shower.


Best locations in India to watch the Geminid meteor shower

India is blessed with huge Forests, Grasslands, and Deserts. Also, More of the Indian population lives in Villages or less urbanized areas thus you can catch the meteor shower from any of such places which have minimal light pollution. Find a mountain, or an open ground near you and you are ready to stargaze.

However here are some of the best places that provide ideal conditions to watch the Geminids.

  1. Jaisalmer, Rajasthan: Jaisalmer has been identified for its crystal-clear desert skies, minimal rainfall patterns as well, and lack of clouds which gives people excellent meteorite spotting chances.
  2. Spiti Valley, Himachal Pradesh: Spiti Valley has meteorological conditions that favour meteor gazing in an area where clouds rarely obstruct their visibility especially when it is time for the whole season.
  3. Marina Beach Chennai: Marina Beach possesses an atmospherically close coast that is mostly free from clouds making it a very beautiful place to catch the meteor shower.


Geminid meteor shower compared to other annual showers

Many astronomers think that the Geminids meteor shower is the most fantastic and consistent annual meteor show. The Geminids are famous for having approximately 120 meteors per hour at its zenith and more bright, and fast than others. They also appear yellowish or white coloured.

This shower is also said to contain more massive fragments than most other showers resulting in brighter and more spectacular meteors.

Nihal Sayyad

Nihal Sayyad is an amateur astronomer with a profound passion for space and science communication. He shares valuable insights on space exploration, celestial events, and scientific discoveries. His work has been featured in the Edinburgh News, Yorkshire Post, and National World, showcasing his ability to deliver accurate and engaging content.

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