Mesmerizing Supermoon Harvest Moon Eclipse Pictures 2024

You are currently viewing Mesmerizing Supermoon Harvest Moon Eclipse Pictures 2024

The Rare Supermoon, Harvest moon eclipse occurred on September 17-18, 2024, that stunned the observers. The partial eclipse intersected with the harvest moon and a supermoon, which enhanced the beauty of the eclipse, leaving the witness in awe.

Here are some of the best pictures of the lunar eclipse taken by professionals and amateurs worldwide.

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Image credit: Abhimanyu Singh


The partial lunar eclipse right now PartialLunarEclipse
Image credit: Rami Ammoun


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Image credit: Evan Benko


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Image credit: Jeremy Gil Chris


These photographs are indeed stunning. Capturing these detailed images is a big deal. Being familiar with astrophotography techniques, telescope settings, and camera settings is important. Read our astrophotography guide and the telescope guide to delve into the magical world of capturing the night sky.

Nihal Sayyad

Nihal Sayyad is an amateur astronomer with a profound passion for space and science communication. He shares valuable insights on space exploration, celestial events, and scientific discoveries. His work has been featured in the Edinburgh News, Yorkshire Post, and National World, showcasing his ability to deliver accurate and engaging content.

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