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Melted polar ice is slowing down Earth’s rotation: Days have become slightly longer

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  • Post last modified:August 24, 2024
  • Reading time:2 mins read
  • Post category:Space Science

As per the recent studies published by NASA and ZTC Zurich, the Earth is now rotating slower than it used to. Earth is going through major changes, and one of the main reasons is human-caused climate change.

From soaring temperatures worldwide to rising sea levels and rotation deceleration, humans are causing a major change on Earth.

Climate change is affecting the Earth’s axis and rotation. As the glaciers at the poles melt, the water is heading towards the equator, disturbing Earth’s mass distribution and slowing its rotation, thus making days slightly longer.

Earth’s core has slowed down to a point where it is now rotating in the backward direction. Studies have also shown that the change in Earth’s axis due to the melting of polar ice and the redistribution of mass has been significant over the last 120 years.

Read: Hottest day on Earth: Planet heating up as global warming increases


How is climate change affecting Earth’s rotation?

Climate change and global warming are causing the glaciers and ice sheets to melt. The glaciers are one of the largest deposits of water. This discharged water travels towards the equator, slowing the planet’s rotation, much like a ballet dancer spreading her arms to decrease her spin.

This phenomenon is based on the fundamental angular momentum conservation principle.


Consequences of Changes in the Earth’s rotation

One of the major consequences that we face today is the slight increase in the length of the days. Days have become slightly longer, disrupting the life cycle of all living things on Earth.

This shows us that human activities are so impactful that they now lead to changes in Earth’s spin. This also raises a question about the fate of our planet and warns us to act now to save it from destruction.

Nihal Sayyad

Nihal Sayyad is a space enthusiast and a certified SEO and content writer currently pursuing an undergraduate degree in physics. He loves writing about the universe and cosmos. He aims to raise awareness about fascinating subjects beyond our world and bring interesting and reliable content to his audience.

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