Read more about the article SpaceX Starlink satellites are interrupting astronomers, say scientists from the Netherlands Institute for Radio Astronomy (ASTRON)
The high amount of radiation from the newly launched Starlink V2 satellites can be a potential threat to radio astronomy.

SpaceX Starlink satellites are interrupting astronomers, say scientists from the Netherlands Institute for Radio Astronomy (ASTRON)

In a recent report by the BBC, the radio waves from the Starlink satellites are interfering with radio telescopes, making it harder to observe the deep sky objects. As per…

Continue ReadingSpaceX Starlink satellites are interrupting astronomers, say scientists from the Netherlands Institute for Radio Astronomy (ASTRON)
Read more about the article NGC 1499 captured by a 14-year-old is amongst the winners of Astronomy Photographer of the Year 2024 
This image shows the NGC 1499 galaxy. The image is a 'Young Competition' category winner of the Astronomy Photographer of the Year contest 2024. Image credit: Daniele Borsari via Royal Museum Greenwhich

NGC 1499 captured by a 14-year-old is amongst the winners of Astronomy Photographer of the Year 2024 

Royal Observatory, Greenwhich, held the Astronomy Photographer of the Year 2024 competition this year. The competition is held every year in 11 categories. A panel of judges selects the category…

Continue ReadingNGC 1499 captured by a 14-year-old is amongst the winners of Astronomy Photographer of the Year 2024